CHRIS BERNARD ON TSC PODCAST - How to find passion & build a career on your terms

CHRIS BERNARD ON TSC PODCAST - How to find passion & build a career on your terms

The Skinny Confidential hosts, Lauryn and Michael Bosstick, pick the brain of highly respected serial entrepreneur, Chris "Bernie" Bernard.

CEO and Co-Founder of Mindright, Bernie is the backbone and mastermind of our nootropic-infused operation. For episode 517 of TSC podcast, Bernie reveals his methods of balancing passions, work, and personal life.

Listen below, and keep reading to find out how you can build a career on YOUR terms. 

Watch Bernie's episode above, or listen to the full podcast with The Skinny Confidential here!

( 17:03 ) How do you structure your day?’


 I think as an entrepreneur; the number one thing is having the buy-in from your partner. It is really important because when you make that choice (choosing your partner), you're not on that roller coaster alone. You're bringing your entire family with you, so you need buy-in. I think having my wife, Maritza, just completely bought in and onboard (with boundaries we set, of course), and making time for each other is really important. For us, getting up early is really important because if I want any time for myself, I have to get up before the kids.

 Listen, all high performers; they get up early.

So I get up, I do a quick prayer meditation. I'll read a little bit, and then I'll go to the gym. So I'll read about 15 minutes of something. Then, just to get moving, I'll go to the gym, for a run, or for a walk. Maritza, my wife, hogs the sauna. By the way, we got a sauna which is a game changer.

I come back, the kids are rocking and rolling, they're getting dressed. Then I make lunches, and then I drive them to school. Maritza does the pickups, and then it's off to work. I'm there (at work) by 9:00. My first calls are around 10:00. I try not to schedule calls until 10:00, to give me a little time to get prepped and get ready to go; this works for me.


( 34:19 ) How did you switch your scarcity mindset to abundant?


One of the things that helped me was starting to surround myself with people that had been successful. People that had either gone through challenges and overcome them or just live at this other frequency, like Rob. Rob is a great resource for me personally because anytime the “scary” starts to creep in, and my energy starts to go down, or I start any form of doubt, one phone call with Rob and it just recharges my batteries.

Finding people like Rob to put in your life is a plus, and he's (Rob) a constant Plus. It just recharges your mindset that anything is possible.

( 35:10 ) What’s the pep talk [from Rob to Bernie] look like?


Rob gives me grace. You could be a high performer, and you feel like you need to grind, but he'll be the first to tell me that it's okay.

If you're doing a million things and you have to slip up and “have a cheeseburger” because it makes you feel better, then don't beat yourself up about it. Rob is just this constant coach that says "it's okay". When you're in it, you're in it; and when you're out of it, focus on the next thing, which is creating that discipline that helps you to maintain the further goals of your lifestyle.


Key Takeaways: 

I think as an entrepreneur, the number one thing is having the buy-in from your partner.

Let's face it, building a career on your own terms takes a whole village. If you want to build something that is sustainable, you have to choose your partners wisely. Whether that is your spouse or business partner, these people have the power to make or break you. 

Listen, all high performers; they get up early.

So simple, yet so critical. If you want to be able to have other things in your life besides work (don't we all?), you have to squeeze more hours into your day. Healthy habits are the first steps toward success. Don’t take our word for it; give it a try for a couple of weeks and see what you can accomplish.

If you're doing a million things and you have to slip up and “have a cheeseburger” because it makes you feel better, then don't beat yourself up about it.

Hey, we don’t judge. The guilty pleasure of taking a second to indulge and “have a cheeseburger” is only human and nothing to be ashamed about. Don’t be afraid to allow yourself grace and time to unwind. In fact, this can help you reset and create the discipline you need to pursue your future goals. Ironic, isn't it?


Interview questions and answers sourced from The Skinny Confidential Podcast